An International Press Conference in front of the Great Pyramid of Egypt announced the discovery of a new pyramid passageway, 9 metres long, 2 metres wide and just over 2 metres tall, located behind the chevron blocks on the north face of the Great Pyramid. It is therefore referred to as the North Face Corridor, or NFC for short. The discovery has got everybody talking, everybody with an interest in the Great Pyramid has something to say and I’ll do separate videos on the various hypotheses in the coming weeks and months.
jeudi 9 mars 2023
The Great Pyramid North Face Corridor : What do we know so far ? by Matthew Sibson (Ancient Architects)
An International Press Conference in front of the Great Pyramid of Egypt announced the discovery of a new pyramid passageway, 9 metres long, 2 metres wide and just over 2 metres tall, located behind the chevron blocks on the north face of the Great Pyramid. It is therefore referred to as the North Face Corridor, or NFC for short. The discovery has got everybody talking, everybody with an interest in the Great Pyramid has something to say and I’ll do separate videos on the various hypotheses in the coming weeks and months.
mardi 7 mars 2023
Découverte d'un nouveau couloir dans la Grande Pyramide : un article de la revue Science Direct
ScanPyramids SP-NFC 2023 Report
On 24 February 2023, directly after presenting the research results to the Scientific Committee headed by Dr. Zahi Hawass, the ScanPyramids team successfully showed the ScanPyramids-North Face Corridor (SP-NFC) to the Committee : using a high-frequency ground penetrating radar, the ScanPyramids team found an opening in the joint behind the lower blocks of the chevrons, which made it possible it to introduce a state-of-the-art endoscope with a diameter of only 5 mm.
Nouvelle découverte par ScanPyramids dans la Grande Pyramide (un article de la revue 'Nature')
Precise characterization of a corridor-shaped structure in Khufu’s Pyramid by observation of cosmic-ray muons
Khufu’s Pyramid is one of the largest archaeological monument all over the world, which still holds many mysteries. In 2016 and 2017, the ScanPyramids team reported on several discoveries of previously unknown voids by cosmic-ray muon radiography that is a non-destructive technique ideal for the investigation of large-scale structures. Among these discoveries, a corridor-shaped structure has been observed behind the so-called Chevron zone on the North face, with a length of at least 5 meters. A dedicated study of this structure was thus necessary to better understand its function in relation with the enigmatic architectural role of this Chevron. Here we report on new measurements of excellent sensitivity obtained with nuclear emulsion films from Nagoya University and gaseous detectors from CEA, revealing a structure of about 9 m length with a transverse section of about 2.0 m by 2.0 m.
Khufu’s Pyramid is one of the largest archaeological monument all over the world, which still holds many mysteries. In 2016 and 2017, the ScanPyramids team reported on several discoveries of previously unknown voids by cosmic-ray muon radiography that is a non-destructive technique ideal for the investigation of large-scale structures. Among these discoveries, a corridor-shaped structure has been observed behind the so-called Chevron zone on the North face, with a length of at least 5 meters. A dedicated study of this structure was thus necessary to better understand its function in relation with the enigmatic architectural role of this Chevron. Here we report on new measurements of excellent sensitivity obtained with nuclear emulsion films from Nagoya University and gaseous detectors from CEA, revealing a structure of about 9 m length with a transverse section of about 2.0 m by 2.0 m.