The mystery of how the pyramids were built may have finally been solved thanks to the discovery of an ancient branch of the Nile that once flowed through Giza. Hundreds of meters wide, the enormous waterway has long since dried up, but could have provided transportation for the colossal amounts of material and workers needed to construct the iconic landmarks thousands of years ago.
According to the researchers, the clustering of pyramids along the western desert margin of the Nile floodplain indicates that the area may once have been served by a large watercourse capable of supporting ambitious construction projects. Speaking to IFLScience, study author Dr Eman Ghoneim said that “if there are pyramids everywhere in this specific area, there must have been in the past water bodies that carried or facilitated the transportation of rocks and large numbers of workmen to these sites.”
Sensores espaciales detectan un gigantesco canal oculto que conecta todas las pirámides egipcias.
Un equipo científico ha usado un sistema de radar espacial para revelar una enorme vía de transporte acuático ya desaparecida. El descubrimiento puede resolver uno de los grandes misterios de la civilización egipcia.